Acest articol este dedicat postarii de către cititorii HD Satelit a diverse feed-uri interesante, bineinteles cu precizarea frecventei, satelitului si a celorlalte date de receptie ( eventual si perioada cand vor fi folosite ).
Feed-urile sunt frecvente pe care sunt emise transmisii ocazionale ( de exemplu transmisia fara grafică a unui meci de fotbal, transmisii ocazionale ale diverselor televiziuni, un reportaj live etc ).
Feed-urile sunt uneori persistente ca date de receptie ( desi nu exista transmisie incontinuu, ci doar cat este transmis un anumit eveniment ), alteori frecventele respective sunt dedicate doar unei / unor transmisii si apoi sunt folosite foarte rar sau deloc.
De fapt un feed este folosit in general pentru a transmite ocazional un eveniment dintr-o loc in altul, folosind un satelit.
La ce sunt utile feed-urile ? De obicei feed-urile sunt necriptate si puteti urmari de exemplu meciuri de fotbal la calitatea originala, fara comentariu sau / si grafică.
Succes la postare si la vânătoare de feed-uri de satelit !
12621 - Pol: V - SR: 4800 - FEC: 3/4
Feed de stiri cu inundatii in Germania (s2/8psk)
Pe ce satelit e acel feed Anonim ?
Eutelsat 7A (7.0°E)
Frequency: 11104 - Pol: H - SR: 9874 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Golf
Transmitted in: MPEG-4
Comments: PGA Tour Golf:Travelers Championship(s2,hdtv,enc.)
Eutelsat 7A (7.0°E)
Frequency: 11153 - Pol: V - SR: 7200 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Boxe
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Kickboxing from France(s2,hdtv)
Eutelsat 7A (7.0°E)
Frequency: 12676 - Pol: H - SR: 6600 - FEC: -
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:2
Comments: The economist Irene Tinagli for 'In onda',La 7 talkshow
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11144 - Pol: H - SR: 6666 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Rugby
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 crypté
Comments: Batley Bulldogs-Sheffield Eagles
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 12508 - Pol: H - SR: 2880 - FEC: 3/4
Category: Conference / Interview
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Mebin 2013 - with Rajab Urdughan
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 12711 - Pol: H - SR: 5066 - FEC: -
Category: Newsfeed
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: ID : Al Jazeera SD
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11170 - Pol: H - SR: 3255 - FEC: -
Category: Newsfeed
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: About Cairo Gov .From Abu Dubai
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11185 - Pol: H - SR: 3122 - FEC: -
Category: Newsfeed
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Maza Baad?
Eutelsat 3C (3.1°E)
Frequency: 11043 - Pol: H - SR: 2222 - FEC: -
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Intelsat 10-02 / Thor 5 - 6 (0.8°W)
Frequency: 11519 - Pol: V - SR: 3333 - FEC: -
Category: Conference / Interview
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Albanian political meeting
Intelsat 10-02 / Thor 5 - 6 (0.8°W)
Frequency: 11526 - Pol: V - SR: 6109 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Football
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: About Football from Denmark
Eutelsat 7A (7.0°E)
Frequency: 10976 - Pol: H - SR: 4937 - FEC: -
Category: Newsfeed
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:2
Comments: Political meeting China-Russia in Russia(s2)
Eutelsat 7A (7.0°E)
Frequency: 12507 - Pol: H - SR: 6650 - FEC: -
Category: Conference / Interview
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:2
Comments: Fundación BBVA(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) meeting
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11556 - Pol: H - SR: 3333 - FEC: -
Category: Newsfeed
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Sky News Arabia(s2,hdtv)
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11131 - Pol: H - SR: 14400 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Courses auto/moto
Transmitted in: MPEG-4
Comments: About 24 h du Mans(s2,hdtv)
Astra 4A (4.9°E)
Frequency: 12735 - Pol: H - SR: 3400 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Boxe
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: ID: ProTV DSNG Land_Rover 1 (ProTV)
Astra 4A (4.9°E)
Frequency: 12677 - Pol: H - SR: 7040 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Football
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:2
Comments: Örgryte-Värnamo(s2)
Eutelsat 10A (10.0°E)
Frequency: 11068 - Pol: H - SR: 9874 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Courses auto/moto
Transmitted in: MPEG-4
Comments: About 24 h du Mans(s2,hdtv)
Eurobird 16A (16.0°E)
Frequency: 11063 - Pol: H - SR: 3600 - FEC: 3/4
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Comments: Le Grand Forum Europe 1 ID: F123 (Chevy)
Türksat 2A - 3A (42.0°E)
Frequency: 12620 - Pol: V - SR: 2200 - FEC: -
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 crypté
Comments: ID: SNG 6 B HD
Türksat 2A - 3A (42.0°E)
Frequency: 11561 - Pol: H - SR: 3200 - FEC: -
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 crypté
Comments: ID: TX9,TX10,TX11,TX12 (probably TRT)
Türksat 2A - 3A (42.0°E)
Frequency: 11570 - Pol: H - SR: 2800 - FEC: -
Category: Autre
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 crypté
Thor/Intelsat 11536 V 6111 reportaj
Sirius 4.8/ Astra 12680 V 3330 reportaj Romania TV
Cool :))
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