Recent am instalat o placa de satelit ( DVB-S2 Card ) produsa de Technisat ( model SkyStar 2 HD ) pe un calculator destul de vechi, cu procesor single core Pentium 4 la 2,8 Ghz si placa video pe AGP ATI 2600, 2GB RAM, Windows 7.
Eram pe punctul de a renunta si a dezinstala placa DVB-S2 din calculator, deoarece toate DVB playerele cunoscute aveau consum urias de resurse ( scanare greoaie, schimbare extrem de lentă a canalelor, dese freezuri si consum mare de resurse ale procesorului (70-100% ).
Ca ultima incercare, am testat si DVB Playerul gratuit Smart DVB, realizat de câtiva pasionati de pe siteul, cu care mai realizasem teste anterior ( dar cu varianta 2.5 ), prezentate pe HD Satelit in articolul de aici.
Varianta actuala a Smart DVB este 0.3.0 ( un fel de varianta beta stabila ), dar am decis sa folosesc din prima incercare varianta 0.3.5 beta 1 ( o variantă beta de test ).
Chiar daca interfața difera de a playerelor obisnuite si nu este atat de rafinată, luâdu-mi ceva timp sa ințeleg metoda de scanare a satelitilor, a frecventelor si să găsesc butoanele mai putin intuitiv amplasate, totusi in cateva zeci de minute m-am obisnuit perfect cu modul său de lucru.
Playerul Smart DVB m-a surprins intr-un mod extraordinar:
- scanarea sateliților este foarte rapida ( de exemplu satelitii Hotbird la 13 grade Est i-a scanat complet in 3-4 minute).
- schimbarea unui canal dureaza mai putin de o secunda pentru canalele SD si 1-2 secunde pentru cele HD.
- consumul de resurse al procesorului de 2,8 Ghz, folosind codecul standard al Windows 7 pentru placi DVB ( Microsoft DTV ) este de 10-15% pentru canalele SD si 20-25% pentru cele HD, in conditiile in care cu acelasi codec si pe acelasi sistem, cu alte DVB Playere exista utilizare procesor de 80-100%, freeezuri la cateva secunde sau chiar necesitatea de a da restart la PC ( blocare completă a sistemului). Toate aceste fenomene nu s-au manifestat la playerul DVB Smart.
- rulare perfecta timp de peste o oră ( cand l-am inchis ) a unui canal HD, pe SmartDVB având efectiv senzatia de redare cursivă si stabilp a unui receptor standalone HD de calitate.
- foloseste fisiere .ini pentru listele de frecvente ale satelitilor, care pot fi actualizate manual sau automat din mai multe surse.
- am incercat peste 10 pluginuri pentru DVB-S Card si toate au fost recunoscute si au rulat perfect.
Orice alta functionalitate pe care am testat-o ( timeshifting, recording , epg etc ) nu a pus playerului nici un fel de probleme.
Chiar daca mai sunt multe de realizat la acest player, daca sunteti detinatori de plăci de receptie satelit, mai ales instalate pe sisteme pc mai putin performante, vă invit sa il testati. Vă asigur ca vă va surprinde intr-un mod placut si simplu, dar destul de smart încât sa nu consume resursele pc-ului dvs.
Va recomand sa instalati varianta SmartDVB 0.3.5 beta 1, fiindca rezolvă foarte multe buguri.
Download SmartDVB 0.3.0 de AICI.
Download SmartDVB 0.3.5 beta 1 de AICI, de AICI sau de AICI.
Mai jos aveti functionalitatile principale pentru varianta 0.3.0:
Easy to use and user friendly interface .
Low footprint, fast operation with fast channel changing.
Supports integrated logos (station list, Electronic program guide)
Supports Skystar 2 WDM and BDA-S/T/C and ATSC devices.
Includes a BlindScanner (as of 0.2.5 RC1) which also scans for channels (your blindscan card must be supported by the crazycat streamreader.dll blindscan interface)
Supports SkyWalker devices used in North America for turbo-fec modulations.
North american support includes Digicipher II modulations (with bda genpix module)
Supports diseqc (depending on DVB Supe used) including motor support.
Ability to be used like PVR (personal video recorder) with new SmartOSD
SmartOSD which allow for remote usage or quick clickable access.
Graphical timeshift (SmartOSD) which
Graphical (SmartOSD) Options menu for easy acccess of basic PVR functionality (Audio track, Aspect ratio, subtitles, epg, teletext etc)
SmartOSD integrated Teletext (clickable & remote)
Quick zoom functionality available through SmartOSD (also remote)
Ability to select specific device per frequency list/satellite to possibly use a different device per satellite/frequency list (also dvb-t/c etc).
From version 0.3.0+ no administration execution is required (if application data is installed at the local application data folder).
Custom graphical station list with logo support
Basic ability to play external media files.
Basic ability to re play DVB transport files which also allows for epg/teletext to be viewed from the recorded/saves transport stream file.
OSD (on-screen-display) which can also be used as a basic HTPC/PVR setup through remote.
DiSeqC support includes using cascaded switches setups (diseqc 1.1)
H264 and S2 support (through bda driver) so you can enjoy full HD channels.
You can create scheduled record tasks for your favorite tv programs .
Supports teletext and multi audio channel, including teletext subtitles.
Supports MD-API plugins.
Supports MPEG PS and Transport Stream record formats .
Mpeg PS records support radio, AC3, HD (H.264)
Multiple same mux/frequency recordings (up to 64 concurrent records) with integrated progress window.
Supports Windows XP® ,Windows Vista® and Windows 7® operating system .
Includes integrated EPG (Electronic Program Guide) with logo/content support
Supports timeshifting also for H264 channels.
Supports winlirc remotes and native remotes (depending on DVB device used)
Supports basic CI (Common interface)
Optimized EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer) support
Favorite channel list so you can arrange your stations like you want
Remote channel list so you can arrange your stations for customized use with your remote
Snapshots so you can make an image in BMP format of the current channel
UDP streaming to other pc's using a UDP capable viewer like VLC.
Allows you to use multiple monitors with the fullscreen/application mode.
Customizable for usage in North America (scanner and epg parser)
Customizable input settings for keyboard or remotes.
DVB subtitles.
Basic AddOns allows for custom SmartDVB applications.
Changelog Smart DVB 0.3.5 beta 1
v0.3.5 Beta 1
fixed: scheduler didn't exit/shutdown app correct after recent (mux records) modifications.
fixed: resize issues with epg search at smartosd mode.
added: PLS support to blindscanner/app. PLS mode/codes saved to .bs files, eg: 12538,H,27500,23,8PSK,MIS:1[0:8]
(tested with tbs 6925/5925).
fixed: lnb power off at app exit did not operate well (tbs devices).
added: schedule option to station menu.
added: pip record option to pip menu.
v0.3.5 pre Beta 1 test 3
fixed: added some drag/drop images which were missing from the setup (wouldn't allow correct drag/drop at favs/custom lists)
added: possible to add stations to custom list category like favorites (not only drag/drop).
fixed: view status options didn't operate correct every time with addition of the new graphical status bar.
added: PIP connection dialog to settings for seperate directshow PIP codecs/renderers.
Make sure you select 'directsound' audio renderers for main/pip to ensure correct audio with pip usage!.
modified: some pip modifications due to vmr9 incompatibilities/errors.
modified: some MIS (multiple input streams) errors/bugs (only for
note: when blinscan finds MIS streams these are saved to the .bs frequency list (MIS:1) after the modulation field eg:
It's then also possible to scan these .bs with the normal scan (only with
fixed: setup error where w7/8 install at 'program files' didn't run smartdvb.exe elevated (admin).
modified: default graphical app status graphics (less obtrusive).
v0.3.5 pre Beta 1 test 2
fixed: some issues with s2-qpsk modulation addition which broke some s2-qpsk modulation tune with some devices.
fixed: issue which didn't allow scanned stations to be added (MIS related)
fixed: video color settings didn't operate with vmr9/pip.
v0.3.5 pre Beta 1 test
notes: scheduler modifications (NID add) breaks previous scheduled jobs (remove previous scheduled jobs or clean install)
also please delete smarteit.db due to EIT database modifications too.
PIP's only been tested with win7 so xp/win8 reports with respect to this r needed.
this versions's got quite a lot of low level modifications, due to pip etc, so please report issues with
video different to previous version (0.3.0).
<< send your future mail messages to, the old jackjavo hotmail account is no longer valid. added: mdapi 188 packet size requests should be honoured now. added: audio station a/b filter. If the filter does not connect please select other audio decoder (non ac3). added: directshow video connection now allows for seperate ac3/audio decoder. added: video color settings (procamp, vmr9/EVR). added: epg search dialog now uses a list, provides better filters. added: specific s2-qpsk for better import/process of actual qpsk s2 modulation. Needs to be looked at if nothing broken (scanner, syncs etc). modified: some modification to level/signal processing. corrected: epg auto delete could be unstable, moved more to idle time now if possbile. added: main/smartosd epg progress auto update now, should not remain static no more. corrected: some failure with cyberlink audio decoder (possibly other audio codecs should operate better now or at least connect). added: scheduler now also initiates record like extra mux record if possible (if scheduled record is for same current recorded mux). corrected: better guide name check/retrieve with scheduler. added: epg button to smartosd options menu (next to epg search). added: guide/epg data to schedule dialog (new dialog). added: MIS (multiple input streams) support to blinscanner/app (also scanner with .BS tables should process MIS streams). Only would function with (not Untested. Possible to set specific mis id's at station properties. added: Audio a/b selection to station properties. Only used when the audio select filter is used which should be only for 16 bit stereo audio, not ac3 etc (at such situations the audio filter should not be inserted). For some audio codecs you might need to ensure audio output is set to 16 bit otherwise sound might sound odd. added: Epg search list to smartosd options menu. added: Keyboard for remote input (search epg edit etc). added: renderless schedule task option. added: scheduler (exit/shutdown etc) timeout option. added: custom station list progress color configurable with skinconfig.ini at skin folder. added: orders for favorites/categories. Favorites now added with specific database order at end of categories. added: basic drag/drop for favorites order. Also for single categories order (only possible after one selects single favorite category). Drag/drop only for custom list (not legacy treeview). added: basic simple cut/paste for favorites order. added: possible to view/see stations at epg search list (dialog/osd). added: definable custom lists, with (sub) categories /drag drop, also includes category collapsed state save. Now you should be able to create whatever type of list you need/require. Drag drop should be supported (for categories only a single selected cat could be dropped elsewhere). corrected: some corrections to scheduler which could fail if a job got initiated while other job already initiated. Now the scheduler should try to create extra frequency/mux records so you should still be able to scheduleview/record other same mux stations. The NID now's also used for schedule jobs, you'll have to remove/recreate current scheduled jobs coz these might fail now. modified: some libraries updated, might improve compatibility with w8 (untested). added: float window resize mode (free or resize window with aspect ratio resize constraints). added: small toolbar icons option to main view menu (request). added: window station list to windowed video mode. added: process priority to tools menu. added: rebuild graph when buffer overflow occurs (directshow settings). added: PIP. MDAPI supported up to 64 stations (coupled to records mdapi, PIP itself isn't limited) (like with multi records same plugins0-64 folders r used) added: record option to record encrypted stations too (only stream records comply, not mpg). fixed: issue which made tbs 5925 remote not function correct (could correct other tbs usb remote issues too). added: auto PIP mode (automatic show x pip stations at station modification) added: pip timeshift options (seperate pip timeshift buffer files created at defined pip folder (timeshift1/2/3.ts etc) . added: graphical (skin) status bar for main app (old status bar still accessible through view menu). modified: deletion of old/obsolete epg entries now moved to application exit (current delete during app idle time could lead to too much issues this might be a better solution). Epg options added to disable/delete/defragment epg database (defragment the epg database to improve epg performance periodical). added: scheduler option to record every transport stream PID. modified: signal/quality retrieval logic's been modified somewhat, might improve for devices which showed 100/0 stats/qual before.
Super, multumim pentru review.
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